
Although Jews lived in Egypt for over three thousand years – predating the Arab Islamic conquests by centuries – today less than 20 remain. Indigenous Jewish communities throughout Egypt and North Africa, were all but completely uprooted and destroyed in the twentieth century. In addition to losing their homes, their assets and their communities to repressive governments and ethnic cleansing, the cultural traditions of Egyptian Jews is now in danger of extinction as well.

A large percentage of Egyptian Jews have had little choice but to settle into the periphery of mainstream Jewish life in host countries around the world, forgoing their ancient cultural heritage for the sake of assimilation. For this reason, JIMENA works to ensure that the cultural heritage of Egyptian Jews, and all Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews, will survive to benefit future generations. We have been leading unique Cultural Outreach Programming since our establishment in 2001, giving Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews a platform to celebrate and share their rich culture with diverse audiences throughout North America. JIMENA is dedicated to preserving and sharing Mizrahi and Sephardi culture through traditional celebrations, festivals, lectures, and cultural series.




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