Hosting the soldiers of the Jewish Brigade of Palestin

Hosting the soldiers of the Jewish Brigade of Palestine during WWII, at the Jewish Soldiers Club in Alexandria. Wearing the white suit: the Egyptian Zionist Yolande Gabbay-Harmor, with Moshé Ben-Asher from "Guedud Ha'avoda" – 1941. (Yad Tabenkin archives). (From the book "The Golden Era of the Jews of Egypt" by Levana Zamir) October 5, 2010 لا تعليقات

Hosting the soldiers of the Jewish Brigade of Palestine during WWII, at the Jewish Soldiers Club in Alexandria. Wearing the white suit: the Egyptian Zionist Yolande Gabbay-Harmor, with Moshé Ben-Asher from “Guedud Ha’avoda” – 1941. (Yad Tabenkin archives).
(From the book “The Golden Era of the Jews of Egypt” by Levana Zamir)